Books & Resources

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Books Written by DDK

FIREBRAND - Forerunners

FIREBRAND Forerunners urges saints to step into the end-time harvest across diverse domains and spheres of influence. In every era, the Spirit’s movement necessitates spiritual groundwork, thorough discipleship in Kingdom principles, and profound intercession. This preparation ensures that those entrusted with God’s mandate are fortified with resilience and spiritual maturity.

Tailored for individuals called to be voices, writers, thought leaders, visionaries, influencers, intercessors, and leaders, this book targets those ready to be commissioned for the Kingdom Agenda. Whether in church leadership, Christian ministry, rural missions, entrepreneurship, social change, or the sacred duty of the home front, these men and women are poised to fulfil their divine calling.

FIREBRAND - God’s Kind of Woman

This book explores the transformative promise of the Holy Spirit in righteous work, integrating God’s prophetic mandate across past, present, and future. It prepares you for a profound life transformation, encompassing devotion, worship, sacrifice, relationships, and more, wholly captured by God. Discover the importance of cultivating “FIREBRAND Friendships” globally and nurturing an unceasing hunger for a deeper infilling of the Spirit.

Evaluate your spiritual journey, understand the refiner’s fire, and gain awareness of the present age’s challenges. Transform your perspective on scripture’s indispensable role, embracing the Spirit as a constant companion.

Majestic Mindsets

“Majestic Mindsets,” is a conversational collection featuring 50 Mental Models crafted in simplicity. This book serves as a guide to rewiring your subconscious conditioning, paving the way for a purpose-driven life filled with miraculous manifestations and breathtaking breakthroughs.

Scripted with clarity, each model invites you to delve into the depths of your mind, unlocking the potential for profound transformation. The exciting part? You can immerse yourself in this empowering book in just one sitting.


Exponential Confessions

Exponential Decade Audio Confessions a compilation that features 16 dynamic audio tracks designed to propel believers into an exponential year of deepening their relationship with God and enhancing their service to Him.

With these tracks, a believer sets the tone for new beginnings, unparalleled growth, and supernatural  manifestations. Each track will guide you on a journey of exponential living, fostering a connection with God that births unprecedented blessings and fulfilment.


Breakthrough Prayers

Building Spriritual Mastery (BCM)

Building Spriritual Mastery
